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Worship archive site 2020/21

Summer Term 2021

This term we will be learning about Christians out in the world. We will continue reflecting on their lives in relation to the Fruits of the Spirit, whilst also considering the difficult and challenging choices that they made. What they all have in common, is their love for others and unwavering faith. 


We will spend time in our individual classes learning about the individuals and we will come together, in a Covid secure way, to remember their lives and thank God for these inspirational individuals. 


Each class will play their part in this series. As we cannot invite parents along, we will aim to upload the weekly readings and some examples of the activities carried out. We are really looking forward to having you back with us, once the restrictions allow. 


We will be considering the lives of the following people: 


Martin Luther King Jr. – Love overcomes Hate


KS1 Reading – 

KS2 Reading –


Activity – I have a dream….

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Responsibility for Others Comes First


KS1 Reading – 

KS2 Reading -


Activity – What does freedom mean to you?



































Florence Nightingale  - Bringing Light to the Darkness


KS1 Reading –

KS2 Reading -


William Wilberforce  - Loving your Neighbour


KS1 Reading - 

KS2 Reading -


Harriet Tubman  - Living by Faith


KS2 Reading -


William and Catherine Booth - Leaving a Legacy of Service


KS2 Reading -


George Muller - A Father to Thousands


KS1 Reading –


Corrie ten Boom - Overcoming Fear with Faith


Charles Dickens   - Using your Gifts


Winnie Baffoe  - Following in the Footsteps of Jesus 

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Admission to Holy Communion

Year 5's admission to Holy Communion photos have been added to the Worship Gallery and can be viewed here


You can watch our Christmas videos by clicking on the links below.


KS2 Christmas video

Boutcher Primary - Christmas Song

KS1 Nativity

Year 3 Christmas Carols

Week 9 - Gentleness

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This week we reflected on gentleness. We thought about Jesus as being the most wonderful example of this fruit. We read the passage In Matthew 19:13-15 where the disciples tried to send the children away from Jesus. In this reading, Jesus tells them to bring the children to them as the kingdom of heaven belongs to them. We looked at some artwork depicting Jesus as this gentle and kind man. 


We then went on to listen to the story, I call my Hands Gentle. Through this story we explored some of the gentle things we can do with our hands. We shared ideas in our classes.  


This week in our collective worship service on Wednesday, Year 2 opened and closed the service by lighting and extinguishing the candles.  


The KS1 activity was shared by Year 1, they had some excellent suggestions such as using our hands to pray, to be kind and to present our work beautifully. 

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Year 4 also shared some ideas as to how we can share gentleness in our community. 

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We all enjoyed listening to Year 6 sing.

Year 3 led thank you prayers and Year 5 wrote and shared some prayers of petition.  

Year 6 retold the story of Jesus calling children to himself, encouraging us all to think about how gentle Jesus was.  


Rev. Charlie spoke to us about this special fruit. He focused on how we can show gentleness to each other and to our beautiful world. He contrasted some of the things we would associate with gentleness with the opposite actions, kindness and brutality, carefulness and roughness, compassion and cruelty, softness and hardness. We thought about the actions we want to have and the actions that God wants us to have. 

Week 8 - Faithfulness

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This week we reflected on faithfulness. We thought about the official in our story who believed the words of Jesus without seeing evidence of his son being healed. Jesus himself said, “Unless you people see signs and wonders you will never believe.” Yet the official had great faith to believe the words of Jesus, he walked away trusting in him. We thought about the qualities of Jesus and how it was these that made him so trustworthy. 


We thought about the people that we trust and the qualities they have, honesty and being loyal and reliable. We thought about whilst it might be hard to trust others, we should remember that we can always have faith in God and we can always trust him. 


This week in our collective worship service on Wednesday, Year 3 opened and closed the service by lighting and extinguishing the candles.  


The KS1 activity was shared by Year 2, here are some of their suggestions

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Year 5 also shared some work on the people that they trusted and the reasons why. 



We all enjoyed listening to Year 3 sing.


Year 1 led thank you prayers and Year 6 wrote and shared some prayers of petition.  


Year 4 retold the story of Jesus healing the son of an official, encouraging us all to think about faithfulness in God. 


Rev. Charlie spoke to us about Faithfulness. He reflected on the story and reminded us of the importance of always trusting in God, even when others let us down, God is always there.

Remembrance Day


At 11 o’clock on Wednesday 11th November, we met in the playground for a very special Remembrance Service. We observed two minutes of silence as a mark of respect for those brave men and women who laid down their lives for us. 


We carried out a number of remembrance activities and shared the work we had been doing in class on remembrance. KS1 shared the activities that had done in class such as finger painting poppies, decorating biscuits to look like poppies and writing prayers. 


Year Six shared some very moving poetry that they had written to mark remembrance.


Each class had written some prayers and these were used to create wreaths and crosses, these were presented during the service. 


Rev. Charlie led the service and he reminded us of the sacrifice that was made in Flounders Fields. Year One helped scatter some poppies in the playground to remind us of the cost of peace. 


It was a very special occasion and once again, it was lovely to see one another in the playground to mark this special day. 


Harvest Festival

You can view our Year 2 Havest Play in the Worship video gallery here

Week 7 - Goodness 

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This week we reflected on the fruit of the Spirit, goodness. We learnt that goodness is defined as being morally good and seeking the benefit of others. We thought about Jesus as the good shepherd who protects us and cares for us. We heard the story of the Good Samaritan and thought about who we should show goodness to. We reflected on the question who is our neighbour and thought about the ways we can share goodness. 


We also heard about Patrick Hutchinson – a modern day good Samaritan – who showed goodness to someone who opposed him and his worthy cause. 


We wrote some catchy placards to encourage all people to show goodness. 


This week in our collective worship service on Wednesday, Year One opened and closed the service by lighting and extinguishing the candles.  


The KS1 activity was shared by Year Three, here are some of their suggestions

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Year Six also had some excellent words to encourage goodness.

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We all enjoyed listening to Year Four sing.


Year Two led thank you prayers and Year Four wrote and shared some prayers of petition.  


Year Five retold the story of the Good Samaritan, encouraging us all to think about who our neighbour is.  


Rev. Charlie spoke to us about goodness. He spoke about the need for us to think about people across society and the different ways that we can show goodness. He asked us how it would feel if we were in the shoes of others and we spent some time thinking about how we would want people to treat us. Rev. Charlie encouraged us all to look at our reflection and ask ourselves - how much goodness do I really spread? 

Week 6 - Kindness 

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This week we reflected on the fruit of the Spirit, kindness. We heard the story of four friends being resilient in bringing their friend to Jesus. They didn’t give up despite it being challenging, instead they continued to show great kindness to their sick friend. 


We thought about how easy it is to be kind to the people that we like and love and how we can often enjoy the act of being kind. We compared this with how hard it is to show kindness to those that aren’t our closest friends and those who may even treat us badly. We thought about God’s desire for us to show kindness to others, just like Jesus did. 


In our classes we all considered the idea of kindness starting with ourselves. We decided that we would all try to pay kindness forwards. 


This week in our collective worship service on Wednesday, Year Five opened and closed the service by lighting and extinguishing the candles.  


The KS1 activity was shared by Year One, watch the video to see their suggestions for being kind.  

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Year Four also had some excellent suggestions for acts of kindness.

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Here is some work by Year Six

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We all enjoyed listening to Year Five sing today. 


Year Six led thank you prayers and Year Three, wrote and shared some prayers of petition.  


Year Two retold the story of the four friends bringing their sick friend to Jesus. Watch their video in the video gallery here


Rev. Charlie spoke to us about kindness. He spoke about the four friends who cared for their friend, carried their friend and climbed with their friend. We thought about how kindness can be shown in many different ways. 

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Week 5 - Patience

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This week we reflected on the fruit of the Spirit, patience. We thought about times when it is hard to be patient, including happy occasions and when we are experiencing times of difficulty. We  thought about all of the rules and restrictions we are facing at the moment, we are restricted in the places we can go to and the people that we can see. We thought about the things that we would like to do and came up with suggestions as to how we can patiently wait for the storm to pass so we can go back to the things that we are missing.


This week in our collective worship service on Wednesday, Year Six opened and closed the service by lighting and extinguishing the candles.  


The KS1 activity was shared by Year Two, watch the video to see the ways they are trying to be patient.


Year Five wrote about the difficulties they faced during lockdown and how they remained patient. 

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We all enjoyed listening to Year Six sing today. 


Year One led thank you prayers and Year Four, wrote and shared some prayers of petition.  


Year Three retold the story of the man who Jesus healed after being unwell for 38 years. View video 


Rev. Charlie spoke to us about patience. He spoke about different things we might need to wait for. He reminded us that sometimes when we have to wait patiently, it makes receiving the thing we were waiting for even more special. He also reminded us to look to God and that He will help us in times of need. 

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Week 4 - Peace

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This week we reflected on the fruit of the Spirit, Peace.  We thought about the importance of peace when we feel scared, worried or afraid and how that it is at these times that we really appreciate peace. We thought about peace in three ways, peace with God, living in peace with those around us and thirdly working for peace where these is disagreement or unrest. 


We reflected on the following questions:

Why do you think it is important to live peaceably with others?

What can we do to help create a peaceful environment in our classrooms and school?


This week in our collective worship service on Wednesday, Year Four opened and closed service by lighting and extinguishing the candles.  


The KS1 activity was carried out by Year Three who shared ways they try to experience peace when they are feeling afraid.  


Year six wrote beautiful prayers, asking God for peace locally, individually and in the wider world.


We all enjoyed listening to Year Three’s singing today, they sang a song about Jesus calming the storm. 


Year Two led thank you prayers and Year Five, wrote and shared some prayers of petition.  


Year One gave a fabulous retelling of Jesus calming the storm. It was beautifully told and the video is available to view here. 


Rev. Charlie spoke to us about peace. He shared with us a painting of the calming of the storm and a prayer that he shared with his congregation at St Mary’s at the start of lockdown. He reminded us that we need to look to God for real peace. Rev. Charlie also had a fantastic way that we could share the peace in a Covid-free way –a Mexican wave of peace. Each class took turns and we spread a wave of peace throughout the school virtually. It was such a success that it will remain a permanent fixture in our Wednesday collective worship. 

Week 3 - Joy 

This week we are looking at the fruit of the Spirit, Joy. Our reading was John 6: 5-13, the Feeding of the 5,000, which was read in class and was also read in service by Year Six. We reflected on the small actions of the boy in sharing the small amount of food he had and the huge impact it had in bringing joy to many people. We thought about Captain Tom Moore who has also brought joy to many people recently as a result of a small action. 


We reflected on the joy we can receive and the joy we can bring to others as a result of our actions.  


This week in service, Year Two opened and closed our time together, by lighting and extinguishing the candles. 


The KS1 activity was carried out by Year One who shared the ways that they will spread joy. 


Have a look at our video in the worship video gallery above.


Year Four shared times when they spread joy to others unexpectedly and the joy it brought them. 


We all enjoyed listening to Year Four’s singing today. 


Year Three led thank you prayers and Year Five, wrote and shared some beautiful prayers of petition, focusing on bringing joy to those less fortunate than ourselves.  

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Rev. Charlie told us that there is a difference between joy and happiness. That we should have an attitude of gratitude as it is this that will bring us the most joy and finally he reminded us that we need to look down for joy and not upwards.  

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Week 2 - Love 

Today we thought about love.  When Jesus came, he gave two new commandments to his people. The first commandment to Love God and the second commandment that we should love our neighbour. We considered Jesus’ message, that if we love God first, we will naturally love our neighbour. We thought about the Salvation Army, first a church and second a charity. 


Our reading this week was Mark 12: 30-31


Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”


We tried to answer the question - How does loving God help us to love each other? 


Year Three opened and closed service this week, by lighting and extinguishing candles. 


The KS1 activity was to think about people who we love and the reasons why.  Year Two shared their work. 


KS2 thought about who their neighbours might be and wrote responses onto hearts. There were some very moving responses. Thank you Year Five for sharing them with us. 


We all enjoyed listening to the song, A New Commandment sung by Year Six. You can see that in the video gallery above.


Year Four read the bible passage to us. 


Year One led thank you prayers and Year Six, prayers of petition. 


Rev. Charlie spoke to us about the importance of love and encouraged us to love one another as Jesus loves us. 

Week 1 – Introducing the Fruit of the Spirit

This week we were introduced to the theme of the fruit of the Spirit and were told what the nine fruits are. We reflected on the words in Galatians 5: 22-23 and thought about the characteristics we already have and those we would like more of.


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”

Galatians 5:22-23


We also thought about the question: Do you think that by showing more of these fruits we will more like Jesus?


Year One opened and closed the service by lighting and extinguishing candles.


The KS1 Activity was to choose a fruit that they would like more of and to draw a picture of a fruit to represent it.


Some of Year Three’s work was shared in service 


The KS2 Activity was to draw different fruit and accompany it with the fruit of the Spirit they would like more of and their reasons why. 


Some of Year Six also shared their work


We all enjoyed listening to Year Five signing the Fruit of the Spirit Song, they also led the reading. 


Year Two led thank you prayers and Year Four, prayers of petition. 


Rev. Charlie spoke to us about the importance of the fruit of the Spirit and encouraged us to write prayers for our neighbours, the hungry, peace, healing and for the climate. There is a tree in the school lobby that prayers can be added to. 

Boutcher Church of England Primary School | 93 Grange Road, London, SE1 3BW | 020 7237 2149

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