Mr Jenkins
assisted by Bevelled
Homework is set every Wednesday and should be returned to school on Monday morning.
Click here to see Year 4's book list.
10 spellings are given out each week. These are in the children’s homework book. They should complete the assigned activity and practise them every day. Spelling tests are on Wednesdays. This half term the children will also be able to use Readiwriter online to also help with their spelling. The children have a log in for this but please see Mr Jenkins if the children have problems accessing the website.
Children should try and read every night with an adult if possible and discuss the book using the comprehension skills poster to aid your discussion. If you would like an example of what questions to ask and how they should be worded, then please ask Mr Jenkins. Reading records should be brought to school every day and will be checked daily. The children’s homework book has details of a number of reading activities. They should complete two of these each week and they should be based on the book they are currently reading.
Children will have guided reading lessons everyday and will learn reading skills and be shown how to apply these to different types of text. Children will also complete a reading comprehension task weekly with the chance to apply further the skills they have learned.
Our theme for this term is The Anglo Saxons and Vikings. We will be looking at how these people invaded Britain and settled here once the Romans had left. We will also look at their culture, beliefs and how they influenced Britain.

Our topic this half term is Animals Including Humans. The children will be looking at the different parts of the human body and see how this compares with animals. They will also get to understand the functions of their teeth, make their own set out of modelling clay and also do an experiment to see what happens to our teeth if we do not look after them!

This term we will be learning about Jesus, who he was, what his teachings were and how this is relevant today and what we can learn from it.
Maths homework is set on the Mathletics website. The tasks selected are carefully chosen to consolidate the weeks learning. Your reading record contains your login details. Children should revise all their times tables on a regular basis as these are a key component of many mathematical concepts.
Children will continue to develop their mathematical fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills in lessons. During year 4, there will be a big emphasis on giving children a much deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and getting them to explain their thinking.
Click here for Maths
Methods Handbook

This half term we will be using the Roald Dahl classic The BFG for our English work. It is a fabulous book which will really fire up the imagination of the children. We will continue to build on the skills the children learnt last half term when using the book Odd and the Frost Giants. This book allowed us to use many of the skills the children need to know by the end of the term. If you haven’t already, please take a moment to read the fabulous stories the children wrote!