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Miss Philp

assisted by Joyce, Denise and Rosemary



  1. Read as much as you can every day and ask your parents to read to you (books, signs, menus, food packaging etc)

  2. Always try your best, each and every day you will learn something new and become a better learner.

  3. Practise counting… your toys, your steps, jumps, claps etc. Can you count backwards too?

  4. Maths is everywhere… Can you spot numbers on doors, buses or on a clock? What about shapes, which 2D shapes can you see on your front door, a clock, windows or the paving stones on the street?

  5. Be kind, use your manners and try to make a new friend at playtime. Who can you invite to join in with your game?


Click here to see Reception's book list.


  • Reading records and reading books must be in school each day. 

  • Homework is handed out every Wednesday and must be returned on Monday.

  • High Frequency Word reading tests will take place each Wednesday and results recorded in reading records. 

  • Services in Key Stage 1 take place at 9:40 am each Tuesday morning. Check the weekly newsletter to find out when Reception will be leading the worship during service.


In Reception we learn a lot about our world through role play and imaginative play. This helps us develop our:

  • communication and language

  • physical development

  • personal, social and emotional development

  • literacy

  • mathematics

  • understanding the world and 

  • expressive arts and design

learning through play.jpg



In maths this term we are learning how to order numbers up to ten. We are continuing to try and form our numbers correctly using a tripod grip. We will continue learning to understand addition and subtraction and the related language. We will also be learning about flat shapes (2D) and solid shapes (3D) and using descriptive language to make comparisons (longer/shorter, heavier/ lighter, more/less).


We follow the Jolly Phonics scheme for teaching phonics.


Last term we learnt Jolly Phonics Phase 2


Jolly Phonics Phase 2:


This term we will be learning Phase 3 Jolly Phonics sounds, help your child to learn the sounds by singing along and joining in the actions.


In reception we are learning to read, first with picture books and then phonics books we can begin to decode and read. We are learning Phase 3 Jolly Phonics and are also working hard to learn the First 100 High Frequency words to help us become great readers. 

HFWs are tricky words which we can’t sound out see this video for an example…


We really enjoy listening to lots of stories and learning about lots different characters and settings. This term we have an author focus on Julia Donaldson and will also be reading Traditional Tales. 

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This term your child will continue to improve their pencil grip and control (using a tripod grip) and will continue to practise writing capital and lowercase letters. In Boutcher School we use a book-based approach to the teaching of our English. We will be learning from two books this term: I am Henry Finch by Alexis Deacon and Halibut Jackson by David Lucas. We will continue to write words and short captions using our phonic knowledge and High Frequency Words. We will also begin to use adjectives to describe characters and settings. 




This term we are thinking about Who Made Our Wonderful World? We will find out what Christians believe about creation and learn the concept of valuable, precious and thankfulness. We will learn about the natural world and how we can take care of it too. 


Our theme this term is Animals. We are learning about different animals of the world, where they live, what they eat and how we can take care of them. We will be comparing animals and talking about their similarities and differences. 

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