Mr Keise
assisted by Debbie & Yasmine
Click here for Year 4 overview
Have a positive attitude to learning
Follow the school rules
Be kind to everyone
Read everyday
Practise your times tables every day
Remember learning should be challenging and fun
For guided reading lessons this term we will be using the book The Humans which looks at different ancient civilisations and links well with our Roman theme in English, geography and history.
Daily and weekly homework is set. Please see the expectation for Year Four on the Home Learning page for more information
We have started reading the book Escape From Pompeii which is about a fictional story set against the factual event of Mount Vesuvius erupting. We will complete a range of different writing outcomes, focusing on different grammar, punctuation and spelling skills.
This year our theme is our school values; Faith, Family and Fascination. Throughout the Autumn term we will be looking at these values through events and people of faith in the Old Testament. We will look into Faith, Family and Fascination more deeply whilst seeking to encourage these values in our own lives. Some services may focus on one value, where others may cover all three.
Our service dates are as follows:
Friday 11th, October – Faith
Friday 8th, November – Family
At Boutcher School, we teach Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) and relationships as a whole-school approach to underpin children’s development as people and because we believe that this also supports their learning capacity. We use the Jigsaw Programme which offers us a comprehensive, carefully thought-through Scheme of Work which brings consistency and progression to our children’s learning in this vital curriculum area. The Curriculum map can be found on the school website. The first topic being covered across the school is: Being Me in My World. In this unit, children think about understanding their identity and how they fit well in the class, school and global community.
Our topic this half term is States of Matter. Children will learn about the differences between a solid, liquid and a gas and take part in practical activities and experiments to learn about their properties.
Our theme for this term is The Romans. We will be looking at the start of the Roman Empire, how it spread and how it was challenged. We will also look at Roman culture, beliefs, architecture and leisure time.
This term we will be learning about Pilgrimages and why people go on them. We will also look at the differences between a sacred place and a special place and how we go on spiritual journeys throughout our lives.
Please support your children to keep their times tables knowledge running smoothly! We rely more and more on quick recall of mental maths facts to underpin our learning. Time spent practising on Times Tables Rock Stars forms part of their weekly homework. There will be a national times tables test for Year 4 on their times tables knowledge.
Click here for Year 4 Maths
Methods Handbook.
At Boutcher, we follow the ‘Real PE’ approach. Real PE is a unique, child-centred approach that engages and challenges children in their PE lessons. It focuses on the development of agility, balance and coordination, healthy competition and cooperative learning. Real PE focuses on six key cogs, these are: Creative, Cognitive, Health and Fitness, Personal, Physical and Social.
In the autumn term, we will be working through the ‘Personal’ cog in our weekly PE lessons.
Our PE day is: Thursday
On this day, children should come to school wearing PE kit and do not need school uniform.
PE kit is as follows:
-plain white t-shirt or polo top
-navy blue jogging bottoms, leggings or shorts (no logos)
-school navy blue jumper or cardigan
-suitable trainers for PE
Click here for Year 4 book list