Miss Dixon & Mr Avis
assisted by Karen & Nikki
Click here for Year 2 overview
Your child’s homework is set on a Wednesday afternoon on Google Classroom and needs to be uploaded by the following Wednesday morning (before 9am)
Weekly homework will be spelling based and 1 or 2 tasks set relating to the spelling words set.
In terms of the spelling homework, please assist your child with this valuable part of their learning by ensuring they complete all homework to the best of their ability and provide them with support when necessary.
The spelling words should be revisited throughout the week to ensure your child can remember to spell them for their test on Wednesdays. You will receive your child’s spelling result in their reading record each week (these need to be in school every day).
Children will be expected to complete Maths homework using NumBots. They should be spending at least 5 minutes on it every weekday. All children need to have completed a total of 25 minutes, which will be checked every Monday. It is very important that children use NumBots little and often rather than all at once. Repeated practice is vital to commit new knowledge to long term memory.
Plants: We will be building on learning from Year 1 and children will:
observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants
find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay
This term, we will consolidate the mental and written methods in all four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and our work with fractions from the spring term.
We will learn about:
Picture Graphs
Two Dimensional Shapes
Three Dimensional Shapes
The aims of the National Curriculum are to develop fluency and the ability to reason mathematically and solve problems. We will be working on our reasoning skills and solving problems set in unfamiliar contexts, using and applying our fluency skills and improving our ability to reason mathematically. We are aiming for Year 2 children to have completed Numbots (Diamond level) by the end of the year, with 3 stars on each level.
Click here for Maths Methods Handbook
A child’s book bag with their reading pack (with reading record and reading book inside) are considered to be school uniform and must be in school each day. Water bottles should be brought into class with your child’s name on.
Please ensure all items of your child’s uniform and PE kit are clearly labelled with their name to ensure they can be easily recovered if lost and minimise the cost of replacement.
Swimming will take place on Thursdays. Children need to come to school dressed in their school uniform and bring in a bag with their swimming costume/trunks, goggles, towel and a swimming hat. Swimming and water safety are statutory element of the National Curriculum for PE in England.
PE will take place on Fridays. Children can come to school dressed in their PE kit and should not bring their school uniform on this day.
Please ensure your child is wearing correct school uniform and following the guidelines for hair bow/band colours etc.
Our RE focus for this term will be on the Judaism, one of the world’s major religions and we will explore the following two questions:
What is it like to live as a Jew?
Why are they having a Jewish party?
Our topic this term is centred around the lives of significant individuals from the past. We will learn about Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale and their impact, whilst recognising their contribution to national and international achievements.
We will develop our comprehension skills (vocabulary, features, sequence, inference and prediction) using the following texts:
Writing simple, coherent narrative pieces about personal experiences and those of others
Use adventurous and varied vocabulary e.g. exciting adjectives for colour, size and using expanded noun phrases (adjective, adjective noun)
Use adverbs with -ly endings (quickly, quietly, peacefully, gently)
Use verbs and edit verbs to indicate time correctly (past and present tense), including the progressive tense. e.g. I was walking, I was jumping.
Add suffixes to spell most words e.g -ment, -ness, -ful, -less
Use co-ordination (and, but, or) and use some subordination (when, if, that, because) to join clauses.
Write using statements, commands, questions and exclamations with the correct use of punctuation (., ? and !)
Use commas to separate items in a list (bread, milk, fruit and cakes)
Use capital letters for proper nouns and for the personal pronoun ‘I’
Spell words with contracted forms using apostrophes (can’t, wouldn’t)
Use apostrophes for singular possession (the dog’s tail, the child’s bag)
Spell most high frequency and common exception words
Beginning to use some joins (knowing the break letters and not joining capital letters)
Summer1: Relationships
Summer 2: Changing Me
Click here for Year 2 book list