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Pupil Voice Groups

At Boutcher we have a number of pupil voice groups. Through these, we actively encourage our children to develop their spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness. These different groups enable our children to participate and influence decisions that affect them and give them the opportunity to develop their understanding of British values. 


School Council

Our School Council is a group of elected representatives from Years 1-6. They meet at least once every half term to discuss school issues and offer suggestions to improve our school. 

So far, this year the School Council have fundraised and purchased games for each class that can be played during wet play and Golden Time on Friday afternoons. They have also relocated the lost property box to outside the office and have brought back the packed lunch trolley in the hall. 

We have also been to City Hall and learnt more about democracy and the history of London. 













Faith Leaders

Faith is one of our three school values and our faith group play an important role. They are responsible for guiding and supporting others during Collective Worship. They are responsible for planning and leading charitable fund-raising events as well as being ambassadors for their faith. Children from Years 1-6 are invited to become Faith Leaders and 2 children from each class are selected. They meet at least once every half term. 

So far, the Faith Leaders have led an assembly sharing the important work of Save the Children and planned and led Christmas Jumper Day where we were able to raise money to help the work of this wonderful charity. The Faith Leaders also led prayers at our Remembrance Service. 

We also enjoyed a trip to Westminster Abbey where we learnt more about the history of this important and prestigious place of worship.  













Eco Warriors

Our Eco Warriors are passionate about our school, community and the wider world. They look after our environment so that we can enjoy a bright future. Their primary aims are to learn about and raise awareness of current environmental issues. Children from Years 1-6 are invited to become Eco Warriors and 2 children from each class are elected. They meet at least once every half term. 

So far, the Eco Warriors have been carrying out research into our recycling habits as a school and as individual families. We hope to make positive changes to our school waste systems and to create good life-long habits. 

We also enjoyed a trip to Southwark Recycling Centre to find out more about recycling and how to manage our waste more effectively. The trip left us feeling inspired. 

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