Boutcher School Choir meets every Thursday after school
Our choir is led by two professional musicians: Juliet Roberts and Judith Rust. All KS2 students are given the opportunity to audition for the choir at various points throughout the school year.
The choir aims to give children who demonstrate musicality an opportunity to further develop their skills within the discipline of a choir, and offers many chances to perform in a wide variety of settings.
To date the choir have performed at venues including Southwark Cathedral, The Royal Albert Hall, Fairfield Halls and the Bermondsey Street Festival. Christmas is a busy time of year for the choir as they are asked year on year to sing at the Sick Children’s Trust annual carol service as well as the children’s and staff’s carol services at Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Information for parents whose children attend choir
The choir rehearses every Thursday from 3.45 - 4.45. It is expected that children attend every rehearsal and those that miss 3 or more sessions without reasonable explanation will not be able to continue attending.
As there is an increasing number of children in the choir, a maximum of 30 will be selected for each performance. A letter should go out with details of events at least a week prior to any engagement the choir has, unless arrangements have been finalised at short notice.
For all formal choir events there is a choir uniform of a black t-shirt provided for the choir (to be washed and returned to school after the event) and black trousers with black socks. For some more informal events they may simply wear school uniform. This will be clearly indicated on the letter and permission slip given out when your child is invited to attend.
Music Coordinator: Janna Burnie