Mr Avis and Miss Clifford
assisted by Sophie
We'll have our first service of this term on Friday 24th January 2020 so please come along. It’ll be about Epiphany, focusing on the journey of the Magi to visit Jesus.
Our English work will be based on Boy in the Tower by local author, Polly Ho-Yen, which has already proved a popular choice with the class. Throughout the unit, children will have opportunities to apply skills learnt in spelling, punctuation and grammar to a range of written outcomes, including a newspaper report and a formal letter, before finishing with their own apocalyptic adventure stories. During guided reading, they will continue to build on the eight reading comprehension skills (a copy of which can be found in your child’s reading journal) through discussion, key questioning and follow-up tasks.
This half-term we’ve started by building on our knowledge of fractions and will be looking at decimals afterwards. We’ll be following the Maths, No Problem! scheme of work. If you’d like to support your child to understand any of the calculation methods that are taught then please look on the Maths Methods Handbook on this page, which lays out how we expect different calculations to be taught. Any additional practice you can fit in now will help you to feel confident that you can do your best in your SATs.
Click here for Maths Methods Handbook
Our RE topic for this term is The Journey of Life and Death. This unit involves children investigating beliefs about life and life after death and encouraging them to reflect on and express their hopes for the future. In this unit they will have the opportunity to share their feelings of loss caused by separation, learn about how faith can provide believers with answers to life’s most challenging and ultimate questions, and also how faith challenges our attitudes, values and commitments in life. They will consider how important it is to celebrate the lives of those they have lost and how remembering can help the healing process. This is a sensitive topic so please feel free to speak with Miss Clifford if you would like to discuss anything in advance.
Our topic this term is Animals including humans – in which we will be learning about the workings of the circulatory and digestive systems, looking at the importance of diet and exercise, and finally looking at the benefits of drugs (as in medicines) and the dangers of drugs.
Our English work will be based on Boy in the Tower by local author, Polly Ho-Yen, which has already proved a popular choice with the class. Throughout the unit, children will have opportunities to apply skills learnt in spelling, punctuation and grammar to a range of written outcomes, including a newspaper report and a formal letter, before finishing with their own apocalyptic adventure stories. During guided reading, they will continue to build on the eight reading comprehension skills (a copy of which can be found in your child’s reading journal) through discussion, key questioning and follow-up tasks.
On Wednesdays Mrs. Verhoeven will be teaching Islamic Civilisation, which will include reading The Tales of Arabian Night and looking at arabesque art and design.