Miss Dixson
assisted by Debbie, Jemma & Sally
We are currently reading and exploring the book ‘Billy and the Beast’.
In our English lessons, we will be using phonics as well as high frequency words to help us spell. We will be making sure we use finger spaces and the correct formation of letters in our written work. We will start using adjectives to describe things and use conjunctions to link ideas in a sentence.
Click here to see Year 1's book list.
Reading records and reading books must be in school each day.
Homework is handed out every Wednesday and must be returned on Monday.
Spelling tests will take place each Wednesday and results recorded in reading records.
Services in Key Stage 1 take place at 9:40 am each Tuesday morning. Check the weekly newsletter to find out when Year 1 will be leading the worship during service
PE kits need to be in School on Monday mornings and should be taken home each Friday to be washed.
Read every night- read anything you can! Get an adult to question you about the book too as this will improve your comprehension skills.
Count, count and count some more! Count forwards and backwards to 100 starting from any random number. Do this on your way to school, at home, before bedtime or any time that suits you.
Try getting dressed on your own in the mornings so that you are becoming more independent with tasks.
Complete your homework and hand it in on a Monday morning. This shows me that you really care about your learning.
It is ok to make mistakes..... but we must remember to try and make it better with our fresh start- because every day is a new day!
In RE this term we will be exploring the question ‘Why is Easter the most important festival for Christians?’.
We will focus on developing an understanding as to why the events of Easter are so important to Christians and how people’s faith affect the way they behave.
We will also reflect on own beliefs and what is important to self and others.
As part of our History topic this term we will be studying ‘Great Inventions’ – with focus on the first flight.
As part of our topic this term we will be studying ‘Animals including humans’.
This topic we will be finding how to:
· identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
· identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores
· describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals including pets)
· identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense
In Maths, we will be developing our number knowledge- counting forwards and backwards, looking at place value in two-digit numbers and spotting number patterns. We will be building on stategies to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication an division calculations.
Children have logins to Mathletics- they will be set tasks for homework so please ensure children are completing these.
Click here for Maths Methods Handbook