17th May 2024
Dates For The Diary
Monday 20th May
Y6 School journey
Tuesday 21st May
Y1 Service 9:40
KS2 Drama Club
KS2 Chess Club
Wednesday 22nd May
Y2 Dance Club
Y3 & Y4 Football Club
Thursday 23rd May
Break up for summer half term 3:30
Friday 24th May
Pick of the Bunch
Rec - Olive
Year 1 - Henry
Year 2 - Olivia
Year 3 - Harold
Year 4 - Clio
Year 5 - Leah
Year 6 - All of Year 6
Playground Awards
Year 2 - Olivia
Year 2 - Jotham
Year 3 - Sara
Year 4 - Minnie
Year 4 - Ademola
Year 6 - All of Year 6 have shown exceptional playground behaviours
Headteacher's Award
Harold – Y3
Please ensure your child completes the ‘Travel to School Diary’ that has been sent home with them today and please return to school on Thursday 23rd May – thank you!
Following an intense week of SATS, our Y6 are off to the Isle of Wight on Monday 20th May – we hope they have an amazing time!!
School class photo QR codes were sent home in children’s bags yesterday with instructions for ordering via QR codes or website.
Green Boutcher family may wear their own clothes on Thursday 23rd May
We break up for summer half term on Thursday 23rd May 2024 at 3:30 – there will be no 6 o’clock club or curriculum clubs on this day, children must be collected by 3:30.
100% Spelling
Year 2 – Ahmed, Alma, Jack, Joe, Jotham, Matilda, Nila, Nyriah-Jae, Sophie, Tias, Vanessa, Zoya
Year 3 – Rose, Davina, Aamira, Evangeline, Aaliyah, Imelda, Moizelle, Arielle, Rufus, Gemini, Anas, Sinead, Eleanor, Chloe
Year 4 – Year 5 – Isabelle, Dylan, Ke Ren, Bianca, Jeremy, Hazimah, Fortune, Minaal, Freya
Presentation Awards
Rec - Ariella
Year 1 - Lily
Year 2 - Horonya
Year 3 - Dibabari
Year 4 - Nile
Year 5 - Osanna
Year 6 - Kyla
Boutcher Family
The Green Boutcher Family group are the overall winners for this half term and may wear their own clothes to school on Thursday 23rd May!
1st Hope Yellow 276 pts
2nd Love Red 264 pts
3rd Peace Blue 261 pts
4th Honesty Green 260 pts
Hard copies of School Policies,
including Safeguarding are available from the office and can be read online.