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Miss Cochrane
assisted by Joyce, Rosemary,
Denise & Hazel



Click here for Reception overview


During the spring term we will start by looking at 2D shapes and positional language before moving onto comparing numbers to 5. We will be combining 2 amounts and learning our number bonds to 10. We will then be moving on to look at measuring length and height and also capacity.


Our topic in RE this half-term is ‘How Did Jesus Rescue People?’. We will be exploring stories from the Bible that show us how Jesus ‘saved’ those around him and helped those in need, including people who were hungry, ill or lonely.


  • Your child’s reading folder (containing their reading record and book) needs to be in their book bag every day. They will have their reading book changed once a week. 

  • Please ensure that all items of your child’s uniform are clearly labelled with their name so that they can be easily found if they are lost. 

  • Water bottles should be brought into class with your child’s name on. 


We will be improving our fine motor skills by practising correct pencil grip and using small tools such as scissors, paintbrushes and cutlery. In PE will be focussing on striking and hitting using bats and balls.


In PSHE we will be looking at the topic 'Dreams and Goals'. We will be discussing aspirations and how to achieve goals. We will be thinking about how to stay motivated when something Is challenging and how we might feel when we do achieve we have persevered at.


The book that we are exploring in literacy is ‘The Magic Paintbrush’. During this unit, we will be building on our knowledge of phase 2 and 3 sounds, drawing and painting to record our ideas and writing in role of the main character. We will be orally re telling the story and creating our own version of the story. 

spring literacy.png


The topic for our UTW lessons this term is ‘People Who Help Us’. We will be learning about important people in our school, family and local community who support and care for us. We will also be considering how we can help those around us and be a positive force in the world. 

spring understanding the world.png


Click here for Reception book list

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